Once you’re an approved vendor, our purchasing process is to accept quotes by request within a certain timeframe. We specify acceptable brands and must approve all substitutions.
These quotes are handled via written request. They may be delivered by mail, fax, hand delivery or email by a specified date.
Quotes for smaller purchases are handled by phone or written request, depending on the complexity of the item.
Large quotes are handled via written request. We reserve the right to negotiate with bidders and must approve all specifications.
Once you’re an approved vendor, our purchasing process is to accept quotes by request within a certain timeframe. We specify acceptable brands and must approve all substitutions.
Quotes for smaller purchases are handled by phone or written request, depending on the complexity of the item.
These quotes are handled via written request. They may be delivered by mail, fax, hand delivery or email by a specified date.
Large quotes are handled via written request. We reserve the right to negotiate with bidders and must approve all specifications.