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supplier diversity
Supplier Diversity Partnering with minority & women-owned businesses
Call 423-648-1434

Including all segments of our community

If you are African-American, Hispanic, American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian-American and/or a woman and have 51% active ownership and yearly sales under $4 million, you may qualify.

let's meet

Let’s meet

We’d love to learn more about your business

We encourage you to visit with our buyers so we can become familiar with your business, products & services. Complete the form on the link below and we’ll meet soon.

We’re interested

Take the first step toward partnering with us

To become an approved supplier, you must complete a Supplier Information form. It helps us determine if you meet certain criteria required to bid on upcoming contracts.

we're interested

Purchasing Opportunities

Explore selling us supplies or buying our excess surplus.

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