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12 Energy Facts that May Surprise You

Here at EPB, we’re all about Energy. That’s why we thought our readers would enjoy learning some surprising facts about it. Interested? Read on!

1. Lightning Bolts Unleash 5x More Heat Than the Sun

Lightning bolts are created by the imbalance between the ground and storm clouds. When a bolt hits the ground, it unleashes five times more heat than the sun. This makes lightning one of the most powerful natural forces on the planet

The imbalance between the ground and the storm clouds is what creates a bolt of lightning and it can cause serious damage and even start a fire when it strikes.

Whenever there is a chance for lightning, be sure to stay indoors if possible to avoid getting seriously injured.

12 surprising energy facts

2. One Hour of Solar Energy Can Power the Entire Planet For One Year!

Solar energy is energy produced by the sun, and it’s a renewable resource that can be used to generate electricity, heat homes and water, and power transportation, making it a very versatile and powerful form of energy.

Solar energy is one of the most powerful forms of energy available to us because of how big and powerful the sun is.

Every hour, the sun sends 430 Quintillion joules of energy to the earth, and if we could harness this one hour of energy, it would power the entire planet for an entire year!

3. Energy Efficiency Can Save Lives

Air pollution has become a global crisis, and it is responsible for one in nine deaths globally. The World Health Organization has recommended that everyone take action to reduce the levels of pollutants in the air.

Energy efficiency is one way to reduce pollution. If everyone in the United States reduced their energy consumption by 15% in one year, it would save more than 2,000 lives and billions in health-related costs.

4. The Origin of the Word ‘Energy’ is Ancient Greek

Aristotle was a great Greek philosopher who coined the term "energy" in 384 BC. The term comes from the Greek word "energeia", which means "activity" or "operation". Aristotle believed that all things have a natural tendency to move and that this movement is what we call energy.

energy facts

Today, we use the word energy to describe the ability of something to do work. This can be kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion, or potential energy, which is stored energy.

5. Wind Turbines are So Powerful That They Can Power At Least 1,500 Homes

The United States is a world leader in wind energy, with the most installed capacity of any country. The US wind industry employs nearly 100,000 people.

Wind turbines are a clean and renewable source of energy that is becoming increasingly popular. Wind turbines harness the very powerful force of the wind to generate electricity.

Wind turbines can produce 2.5 megawatts of energy which is enough to power about 1,500 homes—all from the wind!

6. Energy-Efficient Homes Are More Valuable

More and more people are becoming interested in buying energy-efficient homes. These homes are not only more environmentally friendly, but they also save the homeowner money on their energy bills.

Energy-efficient homes typically sell for a higher price than non-energy-efficient homes because they are in high demand. If you are thinking about selling your home, making energy-efficient improvements can help you get a higher price for your home.

7. Every State in America Uses Hydropower

Hydropower is a renewable source of energy that is used to generate electricity. By moving water to spin turbines, hydropower plants can produce electricity.

Every state in the United States uses hydropower to generate electricity. Hydropower is the largest source of renewable electricity in the United States.

Hydropower is a clean source of energy that does not produce emissions, and it is also a very efficient way to generate electricity. Plus, it can be used to generate electricity, power transportation, and provide water for irrigation.

12 energy facts

8. Your Trash and Waste Produce Energy

You may not know this, but your trash and waste can be used to produce energy! When trash and waste decompose, they release methane gas. This gas can be captured and used to generate electricity or heat homes.

In some cases, methane gas can be used to power vehicles. This is a much cleaner and more efficient way to use our trash and waste, and it can help reduce pollution and save energy.

9. Average American Household Uses 11,000 Kilowatt Hours Every Year

Most Americans are unaware of how much energy their household consumes every year. The average American household uses almost 11,000 Kilowatt hours of energy annually.

A typical breakdown of where this energy is spent is:

-lighting (25%)

-appliances (21%)

-air conditioning and heating (15%)

-electronics (9%)

-water heating (7%)

You can learn other interesting energy facts from the U.S. Energy Information administration.

10. Daylights Savings Time Saves Energy

Daylight savings time was introduced in the United States in 1918 as a way to conserve energy during the first World War. The idea was that by moving an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening, people would use less energy because they would spend less time using artificial lighting.

Today, daylight savings time is still observed in most of the United States, and it is estimated to save about 0.5% of the country's energy use.

11. Nevada is the Most Favorable Area For Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is a clean and renewable source of energy that comes from hot rock and hot water beneath the surface of the earth. The heat from these hot rocks and water can be used to generate electricity or to heat homes and water.

energy facts

There are some states in the U.S. that are considered most favorable for geothermal energy usage, and Nevada is the most favorable one! This is because Nevada has a lot of hot rock and hot water beneath the surface, making it the perfect place.

Other states that are also conducive to geothermal energy are:

  • Colorado
  • Utah
  • New Mexico
  • Idaho
  • Arizona

12. Conserving Energy Can be as Simple as Turning Off Light Bulbs

One of the simplest ways to conserve energy is by turning off light bulbs in rooms that aren’t in use. This saves energy because the light bulbs are not in use and therefore not using any electricity. Turning off light bulbs is also a great way to save money on your electric bill.

Along the same lines, always turn off anything electric that you aren’t using—lights, computers, air conditioning, appliances, and other devices that use electricity.

Every little bit helps when it comes to conserving energy and saving money!

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