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The Best Place to Put Your Router For Strong Wi-Fi

Whether you live in a large home with many rooms or a smaller apartment with one or two rooms, where you position your router will have an impact on your Wi-Fi connection. Almost everyone has battled poor or spotty Wi-Fi before, and the last place you want to deal with weak Wi-Fi is in your own home.

Where You Place Your Router Matters A Lot

When determining where to place your router, it’s important to take some time and plan it carefully. You don’t want to put your router just anywhere because the location you choose can affect the signal strength.

The more walls there are to travel through, the weaker the signal will be. For example, if the router is placed in the back office and needs to travel through several walls to reach your bedroom, you can expect a weaker signal.

Rather than placing your wireless router wherever you have space, take some time to carefully plan where you’ll place it. If you don’t mind one room having a weaker signal than another, this may not be a problem for you. If you want strong Wi-Fi in every room of your house, you’ll need to plan accordingly.

Find the best place to put your router

Make Sure You Have the Right Router

Many people assume that all routers are essentially the same and choose the first or least expensive router they find. As a result, they’re often disappointed when they see their Wi-Fi signal is weak or has difficulties.

Old or outdated routers also won’t be as effective as new routers, but you don’t necessarily need to buy a new one. Instead, keep in mind your router’s age when deciding where to put it. Where a new router may not have trouble projecting a strong signal, old routers may need a little more help and will need to be placed in a different location to ensure a strong connection.

Another aspect to consider is the GHz spectrum of your router. A 2.4 GHz spectrum router will be much weaker than a 5 GHz one. A 2.4 GHz router will also struggle more with nearby interference, which can be challenging if you live in an apartment complex where multiple people have their own wireless routers so close to yours. You can check your router or the product manual to find out what type of router you have.

How to Choose the Best Place to Put Your Router

Choosing the best place for your router will look different for everyone. There are many things to keep in mind, and most people prefer to place their router somewhere out of the way and hidden. Here are a few ways to maximize your Wi-Fi signal strength and get higher connection speeds.

1. Choose a Central Location

A central location will usually offer the best router placement. This may look different for everyone as the central location isn’t necessarily the center of your home. Instead, think of it as the center of where your devices will be and work from there.

The best place for your router

2. Raise Your Router off the Floor

Routers are complicated technology. They broadcast or “throw” signals for your devices to catch and send data. If your router is on the floor, the signal is limited because the router has to work harder to broadcast it higher. Raising your router off the floor can improve your Wi-Fi signal strength.

3. Don't Put Your Router in a Corner

Just like putting your router on the floor will limit the signal, so will putting it in a corner. The signal will have to go through walls as soon as it’s sent out, slowing and weakening the signal almost immediately.

4. Avoid the Kitchen At All Costs

For most homes, the kitchen is a very central location and as such, many people decide to put the router there. Unfortunately, this can actually do more harm than help as many appliances use electronics that interfere with the signal strength.

The kitchen is usually full of metal: utensils, pots, pans, and other wares. So much metal can disrupt the signal and limit the strength of your signal.

5. Avoid Placing the Router Near Your Microwave Oven and Other Electronics

Similarly to avoiding the kitchen, avoid placing your router near electronic appliances. Microwaves run on the same 2.4 GHz signal that most Wi-Fi routers do. Other electronics may run on microwaves, a type of electromagnetic radiation, which can also interfere with your Wi-Fi strength.

6. Keep Your Router Away From Walls

When your Wi-Fi signal has to travel through more walls, it becomes weaker. Placing your router right next to a wall, especially one that’s built from concrete or brick, can not only weaken the signal, but make it more likely to bounce off and prevent it from traveling altogether.

7. Pay Attention to Nearby Windows

Although they aren’t a problem in the same way that walls and microwaves are, windows can hurt your signal strength. It’s easier to lose the signal when your router is placed near a window, so keep this in mind when you choose where to place your router.

Put your router in the best place for strong wi-fi

8. Avoid Reflective Surfaces like Mirrors and Water

As your Wi-Fi signal runs off of radio waves, it’s easily deterred by or bounced off of reflective surfaces like mirrors and water. As these can impact your signal strength, avoid placing your router near mirrors or water. If you have a fish tank, try not to place your router near it.

9. Remove Obstacles Blocking Your Router

Furniture and decor placed in front of your router can limit the signal strength. Anything placed in front of your route is an obstacle that it must circumvent in order to reach your devices.

With fewer obstacles, your signal will be stronger. To help encourage a stronger signal, move large furniture out of the way and place your router somewhere there isn’t a lot of decor or furniture that it will need to bypass.

The Best Place to Put Your Router in a 2 Story House

In two-story houses, the best place to put your router is often on the ceiling of the first story or the floor of the second story. [1] [2] These two places often allow for the best wireless connection, as they are a very central location for both levels of the home.

If your home is bigger, with three stories or a basement, the ceiling or floor remains one of the best places to put your router.

Check Your Wi-Fi Signal Strength

Once you’ve determined where you’ll place your router, be sure to check your WiFi signal strength. This can be done using an app to scan and analyze your signal. According to the results, you may decide to change your router’s location in order to get a better signal.

Keep in mind that many factors can affect your speed, including the age and type of device you’re using. For example, an older smart phone may not be able to accurately detect the actual Wi-Fi speed.

Location of router for a strong wifi signal

Tips for Improving Your Wi-Fi and Eliminating Dead Zones

1. Adjust the Antennas on Your Router

If your router has antennas, they aren’t just there for show; they actually matter. If your signal is weak, try adjusting the antenna placement to improve signal strength.

2. Add More Wireless Points to Your Network

Implementing a mesh network and adding more wireless connection points to your home is a great way to combat dead zones and improve Wi-Fi coverage. With more connection points, you’ll have more coverage that spans the entirety of your house and reduces or eliminates dead zones.

3. Upgrade Your Router

If you know that your router is old or lacks certain features and functionality, upgrading it may be a good idea. While upgrading it may not solve all the problems, it can help.

4. Use Ethernet Cables

If nothing else, you can always use Ethernet cables to connect to your router for a fast connection. Using Ethernet cables won’t be a wireless solution, but it can make it possible to connect more signal points to your network and improve wireless signal strength overall.

5. EPB Smart Network

EPB Smart Net Plus is a service offered by EPB to help you get the fastest Wi-Fi speeds possible with optimal setup and connectivity. It’s a monthly subscription that includes a top-of-the-line, Wi-Fi 6 router and professional setup and maintenance of your W-iFi network, optimized for maximum performance in every corner of your home.

We’ll provide all the equipment, set it up for you, connect all of your devices, and secure your network with virus software and passwords. You’ll have access to the accompanying HomePass app and VIP technical experts 24/7 to help you by phone or in your home at no extra charge in case you have any issues with your Wi-Fi.

Learn more about EPB Smart Net Plus and consider it if you want the best W-iFi performance without the hassle.

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