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What is an Access Point and What Does It Do?

What is an access point?

Router, booster, extender, access point — if you’ve spent any time trying to set up a Wi-Fi network, you’ve probably heard these terms before. But what are they, and what is the difference? Today we will be taking a look at access points. So, what is a wireless access point?

A wireless access point is a networking device that connects wireless networks to an internet connection. Access points connect to an internet-connected device and create a Wireless Local Area Network, also known as a WLAN. They receive and transmit wireless communications between an internet router or switch and wireless devices. Access points are ideal when you want a wireless connection to all your computer networks instead of a connection with a wire or cable.

How does an access point work?

Access points connect directly to a broadband router or a network switch using Ethernet or data cables in order to provide WAN (wide area network) access. Once they are connected to the router or switch, they create 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz wireless networks for your wireless devices to connect to. This helps extend internet access beyond the reach of a single router.

Multiple access points can be deployed for the same network, which allows you to expand your Wi-Fi network over a larger physical area. Access points can add additional networking capabilities in businesses, large homes, anywhere you are having connectivity issues, and in places where lots of wireless devices will be connected at the same time.

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What's the difference between wireless access points and routers?

Routers and access points have similar functions, but are more like cousins than twins. Although both allow devices to connect wirelessly to a network, a wireless router generally serves the functions of several pieces of an equipment. Meanwhile, access points provide a wireless connection to a pre-existing network created by another device.

The following are some of the most notable differences between wireless access points and routers:

  • Routers connect to the internet and create a wireless or wired network. Access points connect to a router or switch to extend a pre-existing network.
  • Routers can work as standalone devices. Since access points can only connect to pre-existing networks, they must be used with another piece of networking equipment.
  • Routers are best for small networks, whereas wireless access points can be added to an existing network to quickly scale wireless access as a network’s needs grow.
  • Routers can be managed to change wireless passwords, security settings, and more. Access points rely on the primary device for settings changes.

Functions of a Router vs. an Access Point

How is the function of a router different from that of an access point?

A router operates between multiple networks, connecting the Wide Area Network (WAN) from your internet provider to your Local Area Network (LAN). Meanwhile, an access point can only connect to your home or business network, the LAN, and is used to extend it wirelessly.

In years past, routers were not able to connect wireless devices to a network, and required a secondary device to create wireless connectivity. However, in recent years, wireless devices have overtaken wired devices in popularity and wireless connectivity has become a standard feature in routers.

Connection and Coverage

Routers and wireless access points have both similarities and differences when it comes to connections:

  • Routers connect directly to your ISP’s WAN and bring information to and from devices from the larger internet. Access points connect devices to a router or network switch and direct communication between the devices and the router or switch.
  • Access points do not connect directly to the internet. Instead, they connect to the router or switch, which passes on its internet connection to the access point and connected devices.
  • Most routers allow devices to connect either wirelessly or with Ethernet or data cables. Access points, on the other hand, allow wireless connections only.
  • Wireless routers have a limited signal range. If the coverage area is too large, Wi-Fi signals will be weak or nonexistent in some areas. Access points can be connected to the primary wireless router using Ethernet cables, then placed in areas where coverage is poor. This will extend the existing wireless network.
  • Unlike routers, wireless access points can provide a seamless connection experience for users. Routers require a login to each individual network. If multiple routers are used to blanket a coverage area, users will have to log in again whenever they move from one router’s network area to the next. Access points eliminate this hassle, as they all run off the same network. A user can roam through the whole building, with their device switching between different access points, without having to log in again.

When to Use an Access Point

Routers and access points are used in different environments. In homes and small businesses, a router may provide sufficient wireless connectivity. If a router does not have sufficient range, if you will be connecting many wireless devices, or if you will need to scale the network quickly, an access point may be a valuable addition to your network.


  • For most networks, the router controls the security of the connection. You will need to access the router’s settings to change any Wi-Fi passwords or encryption settings.
  • Access points, on the other hand, are generally controlled through the router. This means they receive information about their password security and encryption protocols from the primary router.
what is an access point
  • With both routers and access points, physical security is an important component of protecting your internet. You will want to make sure routers and access points are kept inaccessible to anyone who might want to tamper with them.


As a network grows, either through more devices joining a network or by physical expansion, it’s important to be able to accommodate these changes. Access points increase available bandwidth, allowing more devices to connect to a network. They can be installed anywhere an Ethernet connection can be run, which allows you to expand your network to places a router’s signal cannot reach. Many modern wireless access points can use Power over Ethernet (PoE) technology, which means they can be installed even where there are no power outlets.

Unlike access points, routers are not scalable. When a network requires a change in either connected devices or physical range, a router cannot be altered to meet these needs. To increase the size or capacity of the network, it is essential to add an access point.

Which is Better: Access Point or a Router?

For many homes and small businesses, a router provides the coverage and access needed. However, if you are setting up a large network that will have many connections or cover a wide physical area, one or more access points will likely be required. Your network configuration will depend on the current and future internet access needs, so knowing how you anticipate using your network will inform your decision.

How to Set Up Wireless Access Points

Access points are helpful for creating a network that is not bogged down by the number of devices connected to it. Modern access points can accept up to 255 connections, and multiple access points can be deployed across a network, allowing many people to connect without slowing down the network access.

If you have decided to add one or more access points to your network, you will first need to determine areas of your network where you need a stronger signal, or places where a lot of people will be trying to connect. Next, you will want to make sure you have all the necessary supplies on hand: the primary router or switch, Ethernet cables, and the access points. If you are not planning to use an access point with Power over Ethernet capability, you will want to make sure you know where power outlets are in regards to intended installation spots. Once you have completed the initial scouting, you can deploy your access points.


If you have decided to add one or more access points to your network, you will first need to determine areas of your network where you need a stronger signal, or places where a lot of people will be trying to connect. Next, you will want to make sure you have all the necessary supplies on hand: the primary router or switch, Ethernet cables, and the access points. If you are not planning to use an access point with Power over Ethernet capability, you will want to make sure you know where power outlets are in regards to intended installation spots. Once you have completed the initial scouting, you can deploy your access points.

Step-by-step guide to setting up an access point

Deploy the Router/Switch

  • Before you can install an access point, you will need to deploy a router or switch.
  • Place the wireless router at a central location that is relatively close to the potential access point location.
  • If you are opting for a switch, these are generally set up in a networking room or closet.
  • For a home or small business network, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for setting up and logging into the router.

Deploy the Access Point

  • After you have installed the router, find areas in the Wi-Fi network that have weak or no signal. These are areas that would benefit from the additional coverage provided by a wireless access point.
  • Place the access point in an unobstructed location in the center of the area with reduced coverage. Make sure the access point is not obstructed by walls, metal appliances, or anything else that could block the Wi-Fi signals. Many people find it beneficial to mount wireless access points on a ceiling to help make sure they provide unobstructed coverage.
  • If you are not planning to use Power over Ethernet (PoE) to power the access point, you will want to make sure you are placing the access point somewhere with access to a power outlet.

Connect the Cables

  • Access points usually use Ethernet cables to connect back to the primary router or switch. Ensure that the Ethernet cord is connected to a LAN port on the router, not the WAN port.
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  • Access points will usually only have one Ethernet port, which is generally labeled Ethernet. The other end of the Ethernet cord is connected here.


  • Follow the instructions that came with the access point to ensure that you have connectivity. This may include logging into a website to make sure settings are configured correctly.
  • Once you have finished the setup process, test the connectivity to make sure your devices are working together.

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