There’s no better time to prepare for potentially dangerous weather events than right now.
Remaining safe in your home during a storm is priority one. And, even though the Smart Grid restores most power outages automatically, there may be times when you may experience a longer outage. So it’s best to be prepared for anything.
Here are a few tips:
Know your safe room – find a room in the center of your living space that preferably has no windows in the basement or on the ground floor. Then make sure everyone in the house knows to go there during a storm.
Create a home safety kit – that you can grab quickly in an emergency. It should include flashlights and battery powered radio with extra batteries, phone charger battery pack, bottled water, and first aid kit.
Keep your medication close – if you know a storm is coming, prepare a good supply of your daily medications to have nearby just in case.
Don’t forget your pets – make sure your pets remain near you in your safe room during a storm. And, it’s always a good idea for them to have an ID chip implanted – just in case.
Let everyone know you’re safe – reach out to family, neighbors and friends after the storm has passed to check on them and let them know if you are safe.
Report power outages immediately – the quickest way to report an outage is on the free MyEPB app. The faster you report, the faster we can restore your power.