Improve your home’s air quality, reduce energy waste, enhance comfort and help your HVAC run more efficiently by maintaining the system of ductwork that distributes conditioned air throughout your home. You can earn $300 back from EPB and TVA just for repairing, sealing, insulating or even replacing your old HVAC ductwork.
*Rebates are now available through the EnergyRight® Residential Services program brought to you by EPB and TVA. Rebates are available on qualifying measures installed by a member of our Quality Contractor Network (QCN). Beginning October 1, 2024, QCN members must initiate your rebate claim within 90 days of completing your project by submitting qualifying measures on your behalf to TVA.
Find a Contractor Contact Energy ProsDuct Sealing, Repair, Insulation, or Replacement 1,2
$300 per system
Duct Sealing, Repair, Insulation, or Replacement 1,2
$300 per system
1 Must be installed by an approved Quality Contractor Network member and meet EPB and TVA standards effective on installation date. All measures eligible for TVA program financing.
2 Must be for an existing or replacement HVAC System
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