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16 September 2022 · 6 min. read

EPB and TVA Distribute LED Light Bulbs to 1,000 Families in Need

Effort will save customers $1.2+ million over the life of bulbs

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (Sept. 16, 2022) — Led by EPB Energy Pros, approximately 200 EPB and TVA volunteers distributed LED bulb kits to 1,000 local families in need as part of United Way of Greater Chattanooga’s Impact Days the morning of September 16. EPB and TVA joined organizations across the area hosting volunteer projects to commemorate United Way of Greater Chattanooga’s 100th anniversary.

“Helping all of our customers get the most value from the energy they use is part of our mission to enhance quality of life for our customers and our community,” said David Wade, president & CEO of EPB. “Switching to LED light bulbs is a quick and cost-effective way for our customers to measurably improve energy efficiency and save money.”

EPB and TVA volunteers are distributing 1,000 kits of eight bulbs each to households across EPB’s service area for a total of 8,000 bulbs. Each household can save up to $255 annually and $1,275 over the life of the bulbs. The cumulative savings of all bulbs distributed during Impact Days will be more than $1.2 million over the collective life of the bulbs.

“Improving energy efficiency can have big results on household bottom lines,” said Carol Eimers, regional vice president - TVA East Area. “Through simple acts like replacing incandescent bulbs with LED ones, customers can reduce energy costs over time and devote savings to other obligations.”

EPB and TVA have long supported United Way of Greater Chattanooga’s work to drive measurable, lasting impact in the community. In August, EPB and TVA announced an additional $300,000 investment in the United Way Bridge Fund to provide rent and utility assistance for people in need. This is EPB and TVA’s third round of support for the Bridge Fund (formerly Restore Hope), bringing their total investment to $720,000 since spring 2020. Additionally, EPB employees donated $20,000 in personal contributions to the fund.

“We’re thankful for our community’s enthusiastic participation in Impact Days,” said Lesley Scearce, president and CEO of United Way of Greater Chattanooga. “Having organizations like EPB and TVA dedicate their time and talent to our community is the best possible way to celebrate 100 years of serving Chattanooga.”

An analysis published by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy reported that many households behind on energy bills were also more likely to fall behind on rent. According to the Census Bureau’s July 2022 Household Pulse Survey results, 80% of respondents reported skipping bills and other necessities, and 44% kept their homes at unsafe temperatures to save on energy costs. ACEEE recommended implementing efficiency measures could lower energy costs and help lessees stay current on rent.

EPB Energy Efficiency Programs — Free for all customers

EPB helps customers increase their homes’ energy efficiency and make bills lower and more predictable:

  • EPB Energy Pros are our community’s energy experts. To learn more about options to help reduce energy costs, utilize solar generation, and switch to electric vehicles, visit or call 423-648-1372 to schedule a free 30-minute call with a pro or Home Energy Checkup.
  • Levelized Billing uses a rolling average of the past 12 months energy bills, so customers have a much better idea what to expect each month with fluctuations that are typically no more than a few dollars from month to month.

LED bulbs are safe, long-lasting and sustainable alternatives that any household can use:

  • Safer: LEDs emit less heat, so touching them won’t cause burns or fires.
  • Last longer: LEDs last up to 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs, so they don’t need to be changed as often. 
  • Brightness: LEDs light up an entire room while using less energy. Bulbs are available in a variety of shades and can suit dimmable switches.

Several other measures can help homes save big on energy costs while making small adjustments:

  • Wash clothes in cold water.
  • Use blinds, curtains or drapes. Keep windows covered in summer and let in daylight during short winter days.
  • Cook with your microwave instead of ovens.
  • Adjust thermostats to 75ºF or more in the summer, and 68–72ºF in the winter.

EPB is available 24/7/365 to answer customer questions. The local utility also offers the “At Home with the EPB Energy Pros” web series to provide energy tips and other information. To learn more or schedule a free Home Energy Checkup with the EPB Energy Pros, visit or call 423-648-1372.

About EPB

EPB serves the people of the Chattanooga area with advanced smart city infrastructure to enable world-class energy and connectivity solutions that include the most resilient smart grid power distribution system in the United States and the fastest internet in the world. EPB gained national notice when it deployed a community-wide fiber optic network accessible to all its customers and used it to launch America’s first Gig-speed internet in 2010 (beating Google Fiber by 4 years) as well as the first community-wide 10 Gig internet service available as a standard offer to all residences and businesses in 2015. Most recently, EPB launched America's first community-wide 25 Gig internet service, future-proofing the network's capacity and keeping Chattanooga on the cutting edge.

EPB also utilized the fiber optic network as the communications backbone for deploying more than 200,000 smart switches, sensors and other devices to establish the most advanced and highly automated smart grid in the nation. As a result, the U.S. Department of Energy named EPB a living laboratory for pioneering smart grid technologies. Since then, EPB has partnered with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, and more than 20 other national research partners to play a critical role in more than $155 million in smart city research.  EPB was also the first major power distribution utility to earn the GBCI’s PEER certification for having a highly automated, modernized electric power grid in 2015 and followed up in 2021 by re-certifying at PEER Gold.

EPB is an independent board of the City of Chattanooga which began serving customers in 1939. Visit for more information.            

About TVA
The Tennessee Valley Authority is a corporate agency of the United States that provides electricity for business customers and local power companies serving nearly 10 million people in parts of seven southeastern states. TVA receives no taxpayer funding, deriving virtually all of its revenues from sales of electricity. In addition to operating and investing its revenues in its electric system, TVA provides flood control, navigation and land management for the Tennessee River system, and assists local power companies and state and local governments with economic development and job creation.

About United Way of Greater Chattanooga
At United Way of Greater Chattanooga, we envision a community where everyone achieves their full human potential through education, stability, and health & well-being. Our mission is to unite people and resources in building a stronger, healthier community. Together, we drive measurable, lasting impact for our community. None of us can do it alone. UNITED, we can. For more information, visit our website

united way of chattanooga volunteering LED light bulbs donation
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