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30 November 2022 · 2 min. read

EPB Announces Partnership to Create a Quantum Network

WASHINGTON (WDEF)- Many of Chattanooga’s government, educational, and industry leaders were in Washington for a big announcement today.

EPB and Qubitekk, a quantum technologies company, are partnering to create the first commercially available quantum network in the United States. This network will be available to both private companies as well as government and university resources.

EPB Board Chair Vicky Gregg said that, “The EPB Quantum Network gives Chattanooga the opportunity to attract some of these investments and to create new jobs in our area. While accelerating breakthroughs in our community and our nation as a whole.”

Quantum computing is set to advance America’s technological output to the next level. To oversimplify quantum computing, the technology uses advanced information storage called qubits. These qubits work when a pair of light particles, or photons, can be linked together to communicate in an instant. This will rapidly speed up computers as well as grant them enhanced powers that can improve cybersecurity, healthcare, and many other sectors.

Bob Corker, former Senator and Chattanooga Mayor, said that, “Quantum Computing is important to our nation. It’s not just important for people who are entrepreneurs. It is going to be front and center 20 years from now.”

That future will be developed right here thanks to nearly four thousand miles of fiber optic cable lines in the Chattanooga area. Chattanooga Mayor Tim Kelly said that, “One recent analysis estimated that it has generated nearly 2.7 billion dollars in benefits for our community. It’s a gift that keeps on giving. It’s created more than 9,500 jobs and brought an extra 244 million dollars in business ventures to Chattanooga so far.”

EPB And Qubitekk are already using the Quantum Network to communicate between two different equipment hubs. This is on top of EPB’s commitment to offer 25 gig internet service across the entire Chattanooga area. Interested companies and researchers will be able to join the network as early as Summer 2023. They can go ahead and reserve their spot on the network. For more information on the project, visit

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