If you do not already do so, get in the habit of dialing 10 digits for all calls before February 5, 2025. You should also be sure that your phone number includes the area code anywhere you have given your contact information, including doctor’s offices. You should also be sure any items such as business cards, stationery, pet tags, etc. include the area code on your phone number. In addition, be sure that any equipment or software is updated to accommodate 10-digit dialing.
If you do not already do so, get in the habit of dialing 10 digits for all calls before February 5, 2025. You should also be sure that your phone number includes the area code anywhere you have given your contact information, including doctor’s offices. You should also be sure any items such as business cards, stationery, pet tags, etc. include the area code on your phone number. In addition, be sure that any equipment or software is updated to accommodate 10-digit dialing.
Press *98 and follow the prompts.Press *98 and follow the prompts. You can also access your voicemail when not at home by dialing 423-648-MAIL (423-648-6245), then follow the prompts to enter your home phone number and voicemail PIN.
You may have a cordless handset that’s been left turned on. Make sure all of your home phones are turned off, then try again.
Any type of landline corded or cordless phone can be used with Fi Phone service.
Each message can be up to three minutes long.
Fi Phone includes many popular features including voicemail, call forwarding, call blocking, call waiting, spam stop, speed dialing, three way calling, call transferring and more. And, affordable domestic and international calling plans are also available.
To transfer a caller to another person, press the “Flash/Talk” button, dial the number where the call is being transferred, then hang up.